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@linh0983 có hỏi về việc remote shutdown pi trong mạng LAN. Em thấy có cách này:
Android SSH remote control for Archphile
I decided to write this guide in order to give you some further information on how you can control your Archphile device from an android smartphone or tablet. As you know, in order to proceed with commands for shutdown, restart etc, you need to log in via ssh first, something which is not very easy for many of you.
For all android users, there is a nice solution named
Raspi SSH:
Note: I realized that Raspi SSH has been removed from Google Play. You can download it here.
It is primarily developed for the Raspberry Pi, but from my experience it does the job well for the Udoo too (and i suppose that it’s the same for the Cubox-i). With this application, you will no longer need to login via ssh. You will just save some popular commands and
Raspi SSH will automatically login via ssh and do the job for you.
– install Raspi SSH from Google Play
– open Raspi SSH application and press the pencil icon on top right
– fill in all the network information of your Archphile device and press save – you will need static ethernet or static wifi in order for the Raspi SSH to work without any problems
– press the + on top right and add any command you like. Below you can find all the basic commands needed in order to control Archphile
– press the command button created in initial screen in order to give the desired command
Shutdown: create a new command with the name
shutdown and in the field of the command put
systemctl poweroff
Reboot: create a new command with the name
reboot and in the field of the command put
systemctl reboot
Restart MPD: create a new command with the name
mpd service restartand in the field of the command put
systemctl restart mpd
Update MPD library: create a new command with the name
library update and in the field of the command put
mpc update
Stop music: create a new command with the name
mpd stopand in the field of the command put
mpc stop
– Play music: create a new command with the name
mpd play and in the field of the command put
mpc play
Start Upnp: create a new command with the name
upnp startand in the field of the command put
systemctl start upmpdcli
Stop Upnp: create a new command with the name
upnp stopand in the field of the command put
systemctl stop upmpdcli
Start Shairport-sync: create a new command with the name
shairport-sync startand in the field of the command put
systemctl start shairport-sync
Stop Shairport-sync: create a new command with the name
shairport-sync stopand in the field of the command put
systemctl stop shairport-sync
Trên IOS dùng cái này OK:
Trên PC dùng cách này:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\plink.exe" -ssh [email protected] -pw archphile reboot
"C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\plink.exe" -ssh [email protected] -pw archphile poweroff