Primare End of Year Status Update
20 December 2022
As we close out an exciting but challenging year, we want to provide a status update for ongoing projects that we had hoped to be able to provide before the winter holiday break but given current circumstances, and to be sure that staff is available to respond to any issues that may result from the launch of new models and firmware, the delivery plan is as follows:
SPA25 Prisma
The first production run has suffered numerous manufacturing and shipping delays with no certain delivery date to our facilities here in Sweden yet confirmed. Given the latest information we believe it will arrive late December or early January. Once it arrives it will need to go through our testing and updating procedures before being shipped out. Given that this is both a new model and a very complicated one, it is uncertain how long this process will take, but we will make every effort to begin shipping as soon as possible in the new year. SPA25 Prisma product page is available at this link:
PRISMA remote
The new Primare universal remotes are in our warehouse with packaging and documentation to be completed this week and shipping to begin in January, while the draft PRISMA remote product page is up on our website at this link:
Roon Ready
We have received notification from Roon that our I15 Prisma, I25 Prisma, and I35 Prisma integrated amplifiers have all been certified Roon Ready, with the OTA scheduled for release upon our offices reopening in January so that we have staff available to provide support should there be any issues with the update. SC15 Prisma and PRE35 Prisma certification will follow shortly thereafter, with CD15 Prisma, CD35 Prisma, SPA25 Prisma, and SP25 Prisma after that.
Tidal and Qobuz
The firmware associated with the Roon Ready update provides the necessary elements to embed Qobuz and Tidal into the Prisma application. Following the launch of the integrated amp Roon Ready update, the Qobuz implementation will be launched, and shortly after that Tidal.
Note, after careful consideration, we have decided not to include Tidal Connect in the Prisma bundle of technologies, but rather to embed both Tidal and Qobuz into the Prisma application. This will provide:
- Tidal Master file playback with the first full MQA unfold for resolution up to 24/96kHz resolution
- Qobuz full resolution playback up to 24/192 kHz
- Gapless playback for both Tidal and Qobuz
This decision was based on two factors:
- To preserve sufficient available memory in the Prisma module to ensure the ability to provide meaningful updates to the network player platform far into the future. Technology license holder SDKs, the program that enables technologies like AirPlay, Chromecast and Spotify Connect to operate, are becoming increasing larger. Additionally, they are becoming greater in number, with not only Tidal Connect available now, but also Qobuz Connect and other services indicating that more connect SDKs would be offered in the future. As a result, accommodating both existing and future SDKs could take up enough memory to compromise the ability to provide necessary updates to products for which we would anticipate many years of useful life.
- Equally important, it has become very clear to us through market research that most of our users prefer to use a single application with embedded streaming services for control of their systems, with the "connect" or "casting" option being perceived as confusing or inconvenient. For example, while we have literally hundreds of radio streaming options available using AirPlay and Chromecast with Prisma, it is with the recent introduction of the embedded Prisma Radio feature that we have received the greatest amount of praise and expressions of gratitude from customers, dealers, and distributors alike for adding this functionality than any other update we have provided.
Therefore, we have decided to use the reliable, tried, and tested UPnP/DLNA control platform. Not only does this promise more consistent and stable connection than currently provided over the current casting methods, but also gives us the confidence of being able to provide meaningful updates to the platform far into the future without concern for memory limitations within the small computer that is at the heart of the Prisma network player module.
Spotify HIFI
All Prisma products are Spotify HiFi ready and only need Spotify to launch that service. That said, Spotify has provided no information when they expect to do so, although there have been recent reports, or rumours, that it may be soon.
That is all the information for this year, but should you have any questions or need assistance please submit a help request at this link:
With best wishes that you have a happy holiday season and new year!