Raspberry Pi + Rune Audio ::: Một trải nghiệm nghe nhạc mới


Well-Known Member
Vâng. Bác cấp quyền mình. Từ từ thấy thiếu gì sẽ up lên
Hoăc mình hỏi mươn lại người quen 1 ổ DSD đưa bác, tha hồ chép
Vâng nó còn trống bây nhiêu bác Minh ! :mad:


Mình đã mở smb ạ . (vẫn là user/pass cũ lúc trước) . :mad:

Đường dẫn thư mục DSD : share/MUSIC/DSD nhờ bác up giúp hộ cảm ơn bác . :D


Well-Known Member
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:


1./ For Pi 4, you need to delete "ipv6.disable=1" or comand:

cp /boot/cmdline.txt /boot/cmdline.txt.backup && sed -i '0,/ipv6.disable=1/{s/ipv6.disable=1//}' /boot/cmdline.txt

2./ Tidal Connect for Pi 4 (rAudio 64 bit)
i dont understand

this is command or entry config.txt?

# Go to the <tidal-connect-docker>/Docker path
cd tidal-connect-docker-master/Docker

# Build the image
cd ..


Well-Known Member
i dont understand

this is command or entry config.txt?

# Go to the <tidal-connect-docker>/Docker path
cd tidal-connect-docker-master/Docker

# Build the image
cd ..
1./ Edit /boot/cmdline.txt and delete this text "ipv6.disable=1" in /boot/cmdline.txt
Use nano
nano /boot/cmdline.txt
Or use this comand:
cp /boot/cmdline.txt /boot/cmdline.txt.backup && sed -i '0,/ipv6.disable=1/{s/ipv6.disable=1//}' /boot/cmdline.txt

2.Install Tidal Connect Docker (one by one)

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/code-SL/tidal-connect-docker
cd tidal-connect-docker
cd Docker
cd ..

3./ Follow this repository for configuring the DAC :

4./ For more on Tidal Connect Docker, it works with Pi 4 (64 bit):
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
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