Obtaining Built-in Language Files
You can easily obtain all language files built-in into any particular Dune firmware version directly from the Dune player in the following way:
Download a special DSF file: dune_service_get_languages.dsf
Put this DSF file e.g. to a USB flash drive, and just "launch" it in the player.
The player will extract all "dune_language_...txt" files and store them into a folder "dune_languages_{fw_version}" near the DSF file.
Here is the collection of "dune_language_...txt" files for the firmware version 100307_2100_beta:
NOTE: Some language files may have have some text messages not translated from English. All such text messages are maked with "@" character and can be easily found.
Everybody is welcome to propose improvements to the existing translations. Just modify a language file and send the modified versions to support _at_ dune-hd.com.