Đầu KaraOke được thị trường mong đợi nhất 2011 -- Music Core TS-8


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Re: Ðề: Re: Ðề: Đầu KaraOke được thị trường mong đợi nhất 2011 -- Music Core TS-8

Anh Cường cho mình hỏi bên showroom Lê Lợi có đầu Arirang 3600 để mình so sánh với TS-8 Plus không ạ.

Nếu có cũng khó mà so sánh vì họ đang bán Ts-8Plus thì không thể để con Arirang 3600 vượt mặt. Nghe xong bảo đảm bạn sẽ xúc em Ts8...:-j


Active Member
Ðề: Đầu KaraOke được thị trường mong đợi nhất 2011 -- Music Core TS-8

Sáng nay con bé cùng cơ quan gọi điện nhờ mua cho 1 bộ karaoke! tư vấn lấy Music Core TS-8 + loa JBL RM101 + amp Jaguar 203E tổng thiệt hại 14,8 triệu! không biết đây là lựa chọn đúng đắn chưa?


Active Member
Ðề: Đầu KaraOke được thị trường mong đợi nhất 2011 -- Music Core TS-8

Nói chung là tư vấn chưa đúng đắn.:)


Active Member
Ðề: Đầu KaraOke được thị trường mong đợi nhất 2011 -- Music Core TS-8

Nói chung là tư vấn chưa đúng đắn.:)

Em món KOK không mặn mà lắm! có thời gian thì cắm đầu vào dàn nghe nhạc nên không biết nhiều! con bé nó gọi ra shop nên không có thời gian để hỏi bác Google nên shop có đồ gì thì chọn luôn!


Re: Ðề: Re: Ðề: Đầu KaraOke được thị trường mong đợi nhất 2011 -- Music Core TS-8

bộ can thiệp được hả bác, đâu phải như ampli đâu ma chỉnh thiện vị, ngoài sóng nhạc có đầu 3600 Deluxe-A để so sánh, các đầu kok nối vào ampli qua bộ chuyển của jarguar (thích bộ chuyển này, dùng remote bấm đã) bác thích cái nào thì ráp cái đó.
Nếu có cũng khó mà so sánh vì họ đang bán Ts-8Plus thì không thể để con Arirang 3600 vượt mặt. Nghe xong bảo đảm bạn sẽ xúc em Ts8...:-j
Ts-8 Plus theo mình thì ngang AR3600S.


New Member
Re: Ðề: Re: Ðề: Đầu KaraOke được thị trường mong đợi nhất 2011 -- Music Core TS-8

Anh Cường cho mình hỏi bên showroom Lê Lợi có đầu Arirang 3600 để mình so sánh với TS-8 Plus không ạ.

Có đó bạn tại showroom của Sóng Nhạc có đầu Arirang 3600 Deluxe - A để cho khách hàng thử nghe và so sánh với các Mode đầu của MusicCore. Cùng 1 bài hát cùng 1 ampi cùng 1 cặp loa NV chỉ chuyển qua lại giữa Đầu Midi MusicCore TS8Plus và Arirang 3600 rồi bạn cảm nhận và so sánh thôi!
Trân trọng!


New Member
Ðề: Đầu KaraOke được thị trường mong đợi nhất 2011 -- Music Core TS-8

Cám ơn bác NguyenNgoan, Dorillin, anhgau19...cuối tháng hy sinh 1 tháng lương ra ngoài sóng nhạc rước 1 em về , khỏi phải suy nghĩ nhức đầu. Mình đang sài em AR 36M + Bose 301+BostonPA 3300K+Mic Music Wave pro-1500i gấu chê quá đổi 1 trong 2 em này về chắc cải thiện được tình hình. Hổm này đang lăn tăn giữa 2 em AR 3600 vs Ts8-plus lên diễn đàn đọc càng tẩu hỏa.


Re: Ðề: Đầu KaraOke được thị trường mong đợi nhất 2011 -- Music Core TS-8

dàn bác vậy thay đầu kok đúng rồi, nội cái mic k dây cũng bằng giá AR3600, được bác đổi lên loa JBL RM101 or dòng KS308,KS310 là ngon :)
Cám ơn bác NguyenNgoan, Dorillin, anhgau19...cuối tháng hy sinh 1 tháng lương ra ngoài sóng nhạc rước 1 em về , khỏi phải suy nghĩ nhức đầu. Mình đang sài em AR 36M + Bose 301+BostonPA 3300K+Mic Music Wave pro-1500i gấu chê quá đổi 1 trong 2 em này về chắc cải thiện được tình hình. Hổm này đang lăn tăn giữa 2 em AR 3600 vs Ts8-plus lên diễn đàn đọc càng tẩu hỏa.


Active Member
Ðề: Đầu KaraOke được thị trường mong đợi nhất 2011 -- Music Core TS-8

e chỉ thấy TS_8 Plus thôi chứ TS-8 hình như hết sx rồi thì phải ?


gxw Where

Where Knowledge Rules
Feminists believe that women are unequal to men, and the different groups think it is down to different reasons. Liberal feminists think it is because it is down to gender role socialisation. Marxist feminists believe it is down to capitalism. Radical feminists think women are not equal to men because of relationships within the home,gafas sol oakley, and black feminist think they are unequal not just because they are women, but also because of their skin colour. All groups of feminists also believe that women are subordinated due to patriarchy, (the idea that males are dominant). However there are opposing explanations to gender inequality in the Dual Market Labour Theory, the Human Capital Theory and the Hakim debate.
Liberal feminists, such as Ann Oakley argue that gender role socialisation is responsible for sexual division of labour. Girls and boys are socialised in different ways. For example girls are encouraged to take on caring roles, which could lead to them having jobs such as nurses in the future. 3 agents of socialisation the family, the school and the media have an influence on the way boys and girls are socialised. For example, in the home there is manipulation and canalisation. Manipulation is when boys and girls are encouraged to play with gender specific toys. Canalisation is when specific behaviour is encouraged or discouraged. For example if a boy falls over and hurts himself, he is encouraged not to cry and to act in a brave way. On the other hand, if the same thing happened to a girl, she would be given more sympathy. Ann Oakley argues that there is still an expectation for women to take on the housewife/mother role. Because of this, it is more difficult for women to pursue careers as men do. Oakley also claims that employers expect women to play the role of housewife rather than pursue a career. This patriarchal ideology is justified by men through claims that women are more suited to caring roles because of their maternal instinct. However, recently some liberal feminists such as Sue Sharpe have been more optimistic. She has said that not all women take on caring roles because of their socialisation. They may react against their socialisation, or pursue a career. Liberal feminism has been criticised because it tends to assume that all women accept their gender identities in a passive way. Liberal feminism also does not take race or class into consideration. Marxist feminists believe women's subordination is down to the influence of capitalism. Women are seen as a reserve army of labour.' Companies only hire them when they really need them, and they do less important jobs than men, making them more disposable. Women change jobs more frequently than men, so are more vulnerable at times of redundancy, they tend to be less skilled, and capitalist ideologies locate women in the home. The reserve army of labour theory has been criticised as it fails to explain why there are women's jobs and men's jobs. It is seems to overlook the fact that patriarchy can be influential by itself. The Marxist feminists seem to imply that once capitalism is abolished, gender inequality will disappear, which might not actually be the case. Radical feminists, such as Elizabeth Stanko argue that women's inequality begins in the home, and then extends outwards in the rest of society. in the government and the media. Radical feminists focus on power relationships between men and women in private. They claim that men exploit and control women within the home. They also claim that when the patriarchy ideology fails, (when women do not dress and act as they are told to) then men resort to domestic violence in order to control them. Therefore, it is not capitalism that controls and exploits women; it is men themselves within the home. Women are disadvantaged in the labour market because within the home they are forced by men to be housewives and mothers. Radical feminism has been criticised by Marxist feminist for focusing on just one source of gender inequality; the home. They don't take into account the fact that capitalism could be contributing to women being disadvantaged in terms of employment. they assume patriarchy is the same in all societies and cultures. However this may not be the case if you for example look at patriarchy in Asian cultures and white cultures, it might be quite different. Black Feminism essentially argues that sexism and racism are inextricable from one another. Forms of feminism that strive to overcome sexism and class oppression but ignore or minimize race can perpetuate racism and thereby contribute to the oppression of many people, including women. Black feminists argue that the liberation of Black women entails freedom for all people, since it would require the end of racism, sexism, and class oppression.
There are differing explanations for gender inequality. One of these is from Catherine Hakim. She argues that women are not forced to stay at home to be housewives and mothers, but they choose to. They are responsible for their own disadvantages in the labour market, because they actively choose to take career breaks to have children. She is saying women are not as committed to their careers as men, and prefer to be supported by someone else. However, this theory has been criticised by feminists. They say that most of the time it is down to employer's attitudes rather than women's own choices. Hakim is blaming the victim for the problem rather than the employers that discriminate against them. Hakim cannot explain why even those women who do not choose to have children are still discriminated against, and in many cases paid less than men in the same job. Human Capital Theory argues that women are disadvantaged in terms of employment due to their lack of commitment to their careers. Women often choose to take career breaks so they can raise a family. Therefore they have less to gain in working towards educational and training qualifications. Because of this, they tend to have less appeal to employers than men. It is harder for them to get promoted to higher status, better paid jobs. Human capital theory has been criticized by Anne Witz, who says that even women who do not have career breaks tend to end up in lower paid and lower status jobs than men. Furthermore Peter Sloane did a survey and found that women still earn significantly less than men with similar qualifications. Dual labour market theory suggests there are 2 labour markets; the primary labour market, and the secondary labour market. These 2 sectors often coexist within a company. The primary labour market includes professional and managerial workers,anteojos oakley, while the secondary labour market includes unskilled or semiskilled manual or nonmanual workers. According to Barron and Norris dual labour markets result from the tactics employers use to obtain the types of labour they require. The primary labour market workers are seen as more important. They have more skills, and are offered more benefits by the company. The secondary labour market workers are seen as ore disposable. They can be easily replaced as they fewer skills. As a result, there is less incentive for employers to give them high wages, job security or promotion. Both men and women are in the secondary sector, but Barron and Norris believe women are more likely to be in this sector. Employers tend to see them as more suited to this sector,oakley tienda, and as having less interest in gaining new skills. It is hard for women to get a hold in the primary sector because, they tend to have a lower status in society. Once women are in the secondary sector, it is very hard to move up to the primary level. Veronica Beechey has criticised dual market labour theory. She claims that some women in skilled manual jobs still receive low pay, even though their work is very similar to primary sector men's jobs. The theory also cannot explain why women gain promotion less often than men, even when doing the same jobs.
The most convincing feminist explanation for gender inequality are: liberal feminism and Marxist feminist. Liberal feminism focuses on gender role socialisation. I think this is important, as people socialise boys and girls differently from an early age, without even realising it. As girls are encouraged to take on caring roles when they are young,gafas oakley baratas, they are more likely to be a nurse or care worker when they grow up, as opposed to the manager of a company. In schools some subjects are biased towards boys. For example in science, something could be explained in terms of football,oakley venta, making it more appealing to boys and harder for girls to listen into. The media also plays a significant role in gender socialisation. For example women are portrayed as housewives in adverts for cleaning products. Although there would probably still be a certain level of patriarchy if capitalism was abolished, I still think capitalism should not be underestimated in the way it contributes to women's inequality with men. In a capitalist economy things move quickly. If, for example a woman had a career break for 5 years to raise children, then came back to work, she might not be able to get her old job back. She might have to have a lessskilled job, as she no longer has the skills needed for the old job. Also, employers do view women as a reserve army of labour,' and only employ them when they need them to do less skilled jobs. If a woman is likely to have a baby or only work part time, then it is not worth it for the employer to train her to do a more skilled job. As a result women as employees are more disposable, and earn significantly less than men.
Although on the whole I find the feminist theories more convincing, I think the dual labour market theory is good at explaining gender inequality. Employers assume women are not as committed to their career as men, and might take a career break. Therefore they do not give them a chance to be promoted to the primary sector.




Ðề: Re: Ðề: Đầu KaraOke được thị trường mong đợi nhất 2011 -- Music Core TS-8



Bấm vào để bắt đầu "Chiến Đấu"



Ai sẽ là người thắng cuộc sau 7 ngày thi đấu....

Hãy đăng ký và săn thưởng ngay từ bây giờ để trở thành người thắng cuộc !!

Đầu Karaoke MusicCore Hi-end TS-10 miễn phí - Thomo.vn
Ðề: Re: Ðề: Đầu KaraOke được thị trường mong đợi nhất 2011 -- Music Core TS-8

Anh Cường cho mình hỏi bên showroom Lê Lợi có đầu Arirang 3600 để mình so sánh với TS-8 Plus không ạ.

Có bác à, nếu có thời gian mời bác ghé qua nghe thử nhé.
Ðề: Đầu KaraOke được thị trường mong đợi nhất 2011 -- Music Core TS-8

Sáng nay con bé cùng cơ quan gọi điện nhờ mua cho 1 bộ karaoke! tư vấn lấy Music Core TS-8 + loa JBL RM101 + amp Jaguar 203E tổng thiệt hại 14,8 triệu! không biết đây là lựa chọn đúng đắn chưa?

Amply 203E là hàng nhái bác à, Jarguar chính hãng không sản xuất mã này.


New Member
Ðề: Đầu KaraOke được thị trường mong đợi nhất 2011 -- Music Core TS-8

Giá này có ổn không các bác?
Ðề: Đầu KaraOke được thị trường mong đợi nhất 2011 -- Music Core TS-8

Bác Cường cho mình hỏi làm cách nào để có list nhạc Anh và Hoa của MusicCore? Mình mua chỉ có list nhạc Việt đi kèm.


New Member
Re: Ðề: Đầu KaraOke được thị trường mong đợi nhất 2011 -- Music Core TS-8

Bác Cường cho mình hỏi làm cách nào để có list nhạc Anh và Hoa của MusicCore? Mình mua chỉ có list nhạc Việt đi kèm.
Mình cũng thích hát nhạc hoa lắm,hình như là mã số bài hát nhạc hoa Musiccore dùng chung mã số bài hát nhạc hoa với
AR 3600S đó,vì mình bấm một số bài cũng mã số đó thì hiện lên bài hát y chang như AR 3600S luôn,nhưng ít hơn 3600s thì phải, vì một số bài có một số bài thì không,vì có nhiều bài hát minh cũng bấm mã số đó nhưng không hiện lên bài hát nào,chắc Musiccore chưa bổ sung thêm vào đĩa,nếu đúng vậy Musiccore mà bổ sung đầy đủ bài hát nhac hoa như AR 3600s thì quá tuyệt.
Anh Cường ơi sẵn tiện cho e hỏi về phần nhạc Việt thì mình có thể yêu cầu ca khúc để bổ sung cho vol mới được không?
Ðề: Đầu KaraOke được thị trường mong đợi nhất 2011 -- Music Core TS-8

Hôm trước gọi điện trực tiếp hỏi Sóng Nhạc về list nhạc Anh - Hoa gặp 1 anh bảo là cầm receipt mua hàng lên anh í tặng free cho list nhạc Anh - Hoa. Lọ mọ cầm receipt lên gặp 1 anh nào đó không biết phải anh đó không charge tiền 20K. Trả tiền thì cũng ko quan trọng nhưng sao có cảm giác bị lừa đảo quá :(

List nhạc Anh - Hoa mỗi loại chừng 40 trang => cả 2 chừng 80 trang đâu có nhiều, sao chả in vào trong cái list tiếng Việt luôn cho rồi. Mình gọi điện lên hỏi thì bảo khách hàng ít hát nhạc Anh và Hoa nên không in và tặng kèm list nhạc => nếu vậy thì làm nhạc Anh - Hoa làm gì? Nếu đã làm thì nên làm cho đàng hoàng hơn không được hay sao mà khi khách hàng cần phải bắt chạy lên tới tận cty để mua. Danh sách list nhạc Anh - Hoa cũng chả có trên website để download luôn.


Bác Cường cho hỏi Tính năng & khác nhau TS-8,TS-8 Plus vs TS-5.Ngoài HN k thấy chỗ bán TS-8 Plus chỉ thấy TS-8 & TS-5.Nên mua TS-8 thời điểm này k?(Mình dùng gia đình) Thank!
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