Ðề: ]REVIEW] FTTH Viettel Eco: Cáp quang bình dân cho anh em HD tỉnh lẻ kéo phim HD or phim xiếc
mấy con wifi khác đều kết nối FTTH được hết, nằm trong phần WAN điền username và pass là xong, con buffalo này do nó kết nối dc với usb 3g nên phần cấu hình khác với mấy con wifi kia, bác ra tiệm mua mấy cộng dây LAN Cat6 để tận dụng port gigabit của buffalo. con goldweb 2 pc copy speed khoảng 11MB/s, thay bằng buffalo thì lên 40MB/s
E làm theo bác hướng dẫn theo cách bác pm cho e nhưng không được.bác xem hộ e bị lỗi gì.E cám ơn nhiều
If no ’connection successful’ message appears...
If an error message appears opening the web page,
• Configure DNS settings and browser’s proxy settings as directed by your ISP.
• BUFFALO’s server might be temporary down. Wait for 10 to 30 minutes then try again.
• Check your Internet settings. Nothing is displayed when your Internet side connection is incorrectly configured.
If an error says that BUFFALO’s server name resolution didn’t succeed,
• BUFFALO’s server may be unavailable temporarily. Try again in half an hour.
• If your ISP requires your network device’s MAC address, use the Internet MAC Address, available from the System Information menu on the Home page.
• Confirm the Internet IP address in the System Information menu, available on the Home page. If it is wrong, configure the right one from Advanced - Internet Port - Internet IP Address.
• Nothing will be displayed when your Internet side connection has problems.
If the connection to the PPPoE server doesn’t succeed,
• The connection user name and password may be wrong.
Click the back button and confirm that the ISP information is correct. Enter the connection user name and password.
• If the previous connection wasn’t disconnected properly, wait for 10 to 30 minutes and try again.
• Nothing will be displayed if your Internet side connection has any problems.,Check your Internet side IP address!
If an IP address can’t be assigned by a DHCP sever,
• Nothing is displayed when your Internet side connection has problems.
If no DHCP server can be found is displayed,
• Nothing is displayed if the DHCP server has problems or a line problem has occurred.
If the Internet side cable isn’t connected,
• Confirm wiring of the AirStation, ADSL modem, Cable modem or optical media converter. That is to say, check your cables!