Chuyển từ M2TS sang MKV


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Ðề: Chuyển từ M2TS sang MKV

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New Member
Ðề: Chuyển từ M2TS sang MKV

Bạn thử xài thằng này xem:
AVCHDCoder Beta 2.23 MKV/M2TS to AVCHD converter

Chịu khó đọc T/Anh nhé

With AVCHDCoder you can convert M2TS and MKV files to AVCHD. Almost everything will be done for you. You can add srt or sup files. If they are in your input file or not it doesn't matter. Subs and audio will be extracted automaticly. Integrated the tool with some very rare formulas to calculate the bitrate. Discs will be filled for nearly 100%. I made it almost noob proof. In this Beta version is not everything possible. More will be added in the future. Based on free tools. Requires: Java, Avisynth, Ffdshow and Haali Media Splitter.

Click here to go to the download section

This is a list of things that are still unsupported:

* No AAC
* Only TrueHD, DTS-HD@3045Kbps, DTS, AC3 448Kbps and AC3 640Kbps are supported.
* No 2.0/7.1 sound. Only 5.1 channel audio supported.
* It's not possible to burn after conversion.
* Only 1 subtitle is supported.
* Only 1 audio track is supported.

But the most will be done automaticly. Here is a list of awesome features:

* You don't need to convert a srt yourself. The only thing you do is adding your srt file and choose some settings.
* Internal srt and PGS sup files are supported.
* Conversion of audio will be done automaticly.
* Down/up covertion from AC3 to AC3.
* Down convertion of DTS-HD and True-HD tracks.
* Chapter support.
* You only need to choose your output resolution. Borders will be added automaticly. Downscaling will also be done automaticly.
* You can choose between DVD5 and DVD9 output.
* Feature to watch the approx. bitrate before encoding.
* Iso will created for you so it is ready to burn.
* No need to configure the x264 encoder. There is 1 build in profile that can't be edited.
* Muxing will be done automaticly.
* Unique formules to calculate the bitrate.

This application uses the following applications:

* BePipe and aften
* ac3filter
* ImgBurn
* mkvMerge and mkvExtract
* tsMuxer
* x264
* mediainfo
* The build in profile is delivered by:

To run this application you need to have the following applications installed:

* AviSynth
* ffdshow
* Haali Media Splitter
* Java

All needed applications can be found in the download section.

Beta v2.23

Fixed - M2TS files with a dot (.) in it's filename caused problems.
Changed/Updated - New Formulas to calculate the bitrate.
Added - Encode with DTS-HD @ 3045Kbit
Added/Fixed - Files with a strange resolution can now be opened. For example 1916x800
Added - BD25 output. (Working but no guarantees yet)
Added - Extract the core of Dolby TrueHD.
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