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Lại chuẩn bị có hàng HOT cho anh em dùng Xtreamer roài ! Có rất nhiều thay đổi đáng kể ở mục phụ đề, kakaka
What’s new:
1.Network shares (samba/NFS) auto scan and mount
a) Accessible from “Home->Network Shares” menu
b) Later it will be merged with “Medialibrary->NET” menu
c)Network shares searching time will be reduced later
d) Currently don’t supports password protected shares and wireless network, will support soon.
2.DVD CSS support
3.User’s font support for subtitle only
a) Font file should be in internal HDD(first partition) or UBS HDD(first partition) in “user_font” folder.
b) Font file name should be “font1.ttf”
c) Before changing font file please stop the playing moving
d) Multiple user’s font will be supported soon, currently supporting only one.
4.Subtitle on/off option
a) Subtitle can be turn on/off from “Setup->Playback->Subtitle Default”
b) Factory default in “subtitle on”
5.Subtitle border thickness can be changed
a) During movie playback, press subtitle button from remote control and select thickness
b) Thickness option is next to size option.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
6.DVD AutoRun
a) From “Setup->Playback->DVD AutoRun” on/off option can be selected
7.Unzip and Archive option from Xtreamer web UI
a) From Xtreamer web UI .zip, .tar, .tar.bz2 type files can be unzipped
b) Just click unzip icon located next to file name, select target dir and press “unzip” button
c) So user can upload more than 10 files at a time as a zip file
d) Select “File Manager->Archive” option and choose folder to make archive(tar)
e) Folder can be downloaded at a time instead of downloading files one by one
Bugs fixed:
1.Smooth Fast Forward
2.“503 upload error” during file upload from Xtreamer web UI
3.File can’t be uploaded to folder containing multibyte character(Korean/Chinese/Japanese) in folder name
4.FTP file uploaded error “530 server busy”
a) If this symptom found, Restore Default will be needed
5.Korean missing character in subtitle
1.“Kerning” (black line between letters) from Arabic subtitle removed.
2.Audio CD detection.