ThemeForest - SilverFolio - Rip



Clean and Minimalist type of personal portfolio created with 960 pixel wide container. Easy and simple to customize commented css style sheet clean codes. It includes jquery lightbox and jquery slide up plug-in for detailed information in the portfolio section. Includes also 5 main menu navigations such as Welcome, About me, Portfolio, Services and Contact me.

Theme Features

* Valid XHTML Strict 1.0
* Valid CSS Level 2.1
* Tableless layout
* Tested and working in All major browsers
* CSS Based Template
* Ready to use contact form
* Uses CSS Resets
* Favicon ready
* RSS Feed ready
* UnitPNGfix plugin
* jQuery Contact Form Validator
* jQuery Lightbox 0.5 plugin
* jQuery Sliding Plugin
* jQuery Coda Slider Plugin with auto slide


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