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The X2 comes with a DLNA DMR function. That stands for Digital Living Network Alliance Digital Media Renderer. That means another DLNA device can use the Med500x2 to process media without you having to do anything else with the Med500x2 other than turning it on. Music can be played without having to turn on the TV, or you can display photo's on your TV directly from your phone.
A Device which controls this process is called a DLNA DMC - Digital Media Controller. You can get DMC apps for many devices - Android phones/tabs - Iphone/Ipad.
Windows 7 has it's own DMC and it's the "Play To" function of Windows Mediaplayer 12.
Setting Up
To use Play To you have to first set up a reliable Network connection between the Med500x2 and Windows7, and set up File Sharing. Guidence for these are in the Beginners Guide.
It's crucial to make sure UPNP mode is working. Try using Media Library - Upnp and make sure you connect. If you can't, UPNP is probably disabled in your router, so change your router setup to enable it.
Whilst you where setting up a working network, Windows 7 will have detected a new network device and installed drivers for it. That device is called Realtek Embedded UPnP Render(). If you have used the Med500x2 Setup to name your DMR then that name appear between the brackets, such as Realtek Embedded UPnP Render(Med500X2). You can check this has happended by using Start - Devices and Printers. See fig1. If it has not yet been detected you can try "Add a device" from the row of commands on that page.
Once you have confirmed this you can then set up Mediaplayer to use it. Start Windows 7 Mediaplayer. Select the play tab on the right. Now select the Stream menu option on the left hand side of the command options row between Organize and Create Playlist. Select "Automatically allow device to play my media", and then "More Streaming Options". This should also confirm that Mediaplayer is aware of the Med500X2 DMR on the Local Network. See fig2. The default settings should be OK. Press OK to close.
Whenever the Med500x2 is powered up with the DMR enabled, the Windows 7 Mediaplayer Play To option will be available using files stored in the Windows 7 Mediaplayer Library. So if after starting Mediaplayer you right mouse click on a file in it's Library, the context menu will show Play To. If you use Play Lists, the current play list contents will be sent using the Play To icon on the right side on the command options row. When you start Play To a new "Play To" player screen appears. See fig3. This initially shows if a connection has been made, and then it tells the DMR to start playing. The player has the usual commands for Start,Stop, Pause etc. In this way you control the DMR in the X2 remotely from the PC!
To add new sources to the Mediaplayer Library use the Organize menu on the command options row. Select Organize, Manage Libraries, and select the media type you want to add. A screen opens showing a list of drives/folders currently used by the Library. See fig4. Select the Add button on the right and the usual Windows Explorer window opens. You now add new directories, even those stored on any external NAS such as the Med itself. See fig5. Select a folder and then press the Include Folder button, which closes the browser. The new folder is now in the displayed list of library folders. Press OK to close it. Mediaplayer will now have switched to browsing the library for the media type you added directories too.
Although this process is often called "pushing" the DLNA implementaion is more subtle. The DMC actually tells the DMR the location of a file it wants it to play, and the DMR instigates the transfer itself using Upnp, so the DMR is "pulling" the files in. These files have to be stored on a DLNA DMS - Digital Media Store. So If you add a directory to the Mediaplayer Library that is stored on a recognised DMS, such as a NAS with UPnP/DLNA support, media files will be routed directly from the DMS to the Med500x2 DMR, bypassing the DMC. Unfortunately the Med500x2 is not (yet) a DMS. You can add files via the Med500x2 NAS function to the Mediaplayer Library, but Mediaplayer will have to act as a Proxy DMS, as it does for the Mediaplayer libraries stored on the PC. That means files are streamed from the Med500x2 to the Mediaplayer DMS, and then back to the DMR. This is OK for music/photo's, but could be a problem for HD movies.
Post Firmware Upgrade
A DMR is a removable device. Windows 7 leaves it in the "Devices and Printers" even if the X2 is not powered up, or it's disabled in Setup. When you upgrade the firmware in the X2, the DMR in "Devices and Printers" is the one found using the previous firmware. You must remove it, and then use "Add a Device" to find the new instance.
Once the UPNP Server is added (future firmware) to the Med the following happens.
In Windows Mediaplayer an entry appears under Other Libraries, called Mede8er. Mediaplyer will automatically access the Mede8er and catagorise all the contents as Music, Video or Pictures. One side effect of this is Mediaplyer will search out things like album covers and put them in your album directories. The X2 will then use those if you use Preview mode!
You can then use Play To with the X2's own media as described previously, but this time the transfer is internal, bypassing Mediaplyer.
I tested that last point by disabling my PC's lan port ... and the music I was playing continued!
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