Không biết bạn nào đã thử tạo file "dune_folder.txt" copy to thư mục gốc của HDD, khi đó chúng ta dùng lại file folder.jpg (làm ảnh của Folder) và tvix.jpg (làm nền)
system_files =*.jpg,*.png,*.tvixie,*.srt,*.tvix,*.ted,*.ini,*.nfo
all_children.system_files=*.jpg,*.png,*.tvixie,*.s rt,*.tvix,*.ted,*.ini,*.nfo
đây là phần giải thích các lệnh:
NOTE: The following description corresponds to the firmware version
090626_1828. Also see the description of additional possibilities
introduced in firmware updates (see the end of this document or see
official firmware ChangeLogs).
Parameters influencing visual representation of F2 in F1 (when F1 is
current folder and icon view is used):
icon_path = file.aii
icon_valign = top|center|bottom (default: top)
icon_dx = -N..N (default: 0)
icon_dy = -N..N (default: 0)
icon_scale_factor = 0.N .. N.N (default: 1.0)
- "icon_path" is a path to an image file in AAI format that
should be painted as the folder icon; can be arbitrary file
name or a relative path to a file in a different directory
(e.g. "subdir/a.aai", "../subdir/other_dir/a.aai").
Images with transparency and alpachannel are supported.
- "icon_valign" specifies the vertical alignment of the icon in
its bounding box.
- "icon_dx" and "icon_dy" allow to explicitly adjust the
horizontal and vertical position of the icon by the given
number of pixels.
- "icon_scale_factor" allows to adjust the visual size of the
icon by a given scale factor (scale factor 1.0 means that the
icon is painted pixel-to-pixel).
Parameters enabling "media folder" behavior for F2 (e.g. when ENTER is
pressed on F2):
media_url = path/URL
- "media_url" is a relative file/folder path, or a supported
HTTP URL (e.g. for Internet Radio HTTP/MP3 streams), or an
IPTV URL (udp://@...).
- Example:
- "media_url = file.avi"
- Example:
- "media_url = ../../../MyMovie/file.avi"
- Example:
- "media_url ="
- Example:
- "media_url = udp://@"
Parameters enabling icon view when F2 is current folder:
use_icon_view = yes|no (default: setup)
num_cols = 1..N (default: 5)
num_rows = 1..N (default: 3)
icon_top = 0..N (default: 10)
icon_bottom = 0..N (default: 10)
caption_font_size = normal|small (default: normal)
- "use_icon_view" allows to explicitly enable/disable the icon
view for the folder.
- "num_cols" and "num_rows" specify how many icons are shown on
the screen at once.
- "icon_top" and "icon_bottom" specify the common vertical
indent to be applied to all icons.
- "caption_font_size" specifies the size of text captions
displayed under icons.
Parameters enabling custom image when F2 is current folder:
background_path = file.aai
background_x = 0..1919 (default: 0)
background_y = 0..1079 (default: 0)
background_width = 1..1920 (default: actual image width)
background_height = 1..1080 (default: actual image height)
- "background_path" is a path to an image file in AAI format
that should be painted as background image; can be arbitrary
file name or a relative path to a file in a different
directory (e.g. "subdir/a.aai", "../subdir/other_dir/a.aai").
Images with transparency and alpachannel are supported.
- "background_x" and "background_y" specify the absolute
position of the image on the screen in pixels ((0, 0)
corresponds to the top left corner).
- "background_width" and "background_height" allow to scale the
image to the given width and height (specified in pixels).
NOTE: There is currently no protection from wrongly specified parameter
values (and e.g. too big size of icon image), so bad configuration may
potentially cause strange things or even crash/restart of the file browser.
"AAI" image file format is an internal file format used by Dune.
AAImageGen.exe tool for Windows can be used to convert PNG and other image
files into AAI files.
If you want to use transparency in icon images, ensure that source image
files have a proper alpha channel.
See "AAImageGen-README.txt" for more details.
NOTE: Dune user interface is always internally painted as FullHD 1920x1080,
not depending on the video output mode actually used. If a lesser video
output resolution is used, the generated 1920x1080 image is automatically
downscaled to the actual video output resolution.
NOTE: Dune may cache some data loaded from dune_folder.txt files and from
the referenced icon files. If you modify these files and want the changes
to take effect, you can use "ROTATE" or "REFRESH" RC button (depending on
RC model), or perform "Refresh" action via popup menu.
NOTE: To hide extra files (such as .aai files) from the user, these files
can be started with the dot character (".") -- in this case, the player
will consider these files as "system" and will hide them by default (if
"Hide system files" setting is set to "yes" in the player's setup menu).
The "dune_folder.txt" files are considered as "system" and are hidden by
default. To manipulate these hidden files (e.g. copy them using the
player's file browser), you can enable showing hidden files in the player's
setup menu.
History of dune_folder.txt features added in firmware updates:
- "media_url" can now contain not just relative paths, but also absolute
paths point to files on the same drive or other locally attached
drives (helpful for working with media collections stored on several
drives). Syntax:
- "media_url = /{path-to-file}". Refers to the file with absolute
path "{path-to-file}" on the same drive.
- Example:
- "media_url = /VIDEO/Dir1/file.avi"
- "media_url = storage_name://{name}/{path-to-file}". Refers to the
file with absolute path "{path-to-file}" on the drive with the
storage name "{name}"; here, storage name is the same as used for
FTP/SMB access from network (automatically generated default name
such as "usb_storage_UUID", or explicitly assigned custom name --
see below).
- Example:
- "media_url = storage_name://MYHDD/VIDEO/Dir1/file.avi"
- "media_url = storage_label://{label}/{path-to-file}". Refers to the file
with absolute path "{path-to-file}" on the drive with the volume
label "{label}". (Volume label can seen in Information dialog for
the drive.)
- Example:
- "media_url = storage_label://My HDD/VIDEO/Dir1/file.avi"
- "media_url = storage_uuid://{uuid}/{path-to-file}". Refers to the
file with absolute path "{path-to-file}" on the drive with the
UUID "{uuid}". (UUID can seen in Information dialog for the drive.)
- Example:
- "media_url = storage_uuid://0123456789abcdef012345/VIDEO/Dir1/file.avi"
- Note: referencing files on other network drives is not yet
- "dune_folder.txt" in the root folder of a drive can be used to assign
a custom name/caption to the drive. Syntax:
- "storage_name = ...".
- Assigns a custom storage name to the drive. This name is used
for FTP and SMB access from network and for referencing the
files on the drive using "media_url". Unless "storage_caption"
is also explicitly set (see below), the custom storage name is
also used as the storage caption shown in the file browser.
- Example:
- "storage_name = MYHDD"
- "storage_caption = ...".
- Assigns a custom storage caption to the drive, to show in file
- Example:
- "storage_caption = My HDD"
- Added a possibility to use HTTP URLs in dune_folder.txt for icon_path
and background_path.
- Example:
- icon_path =
- Bugfix: no icons shown when using dune_folder.txt with "num_rows = 1"
and the path to the current folder shown at the top of the screen is
too long. Now, the icons are downscaled automatically as needed to fit
into the visible area.
- Bugfix: the handling of ENTER RC button on media folders (folders with
dune_folder.txt with media_url) is rolled back to the behavior which
took place in the previous stable firmware (090626_1828) (always
perform PLAY for both folders with media files and Blu-ray/DVD video
folders) instead of the behavior wrongly introduced in the previous
beta firmware (090731_1629_beta) (OPEN folder with media files, and
OPEN/ASK USER/PLAY Blu-ray/DVD video folders).
- Bugfix: dune_folder.txt and playlist files could not be read in
specific cases (such as from a NFS share) when non-ascii characters
were used in file/folder path.
- Added support for images files not only in Dune-specific AAI file
format, but also in BMP, PNG, JPG, and GIF formats.
- NOTE: For BMP and PNG formats (as well as AAI), transparancy and
alphachannel are supported.
- NOTE: The performance of reading images from various file formats
may differ, depending on the exact file format, image resolution,
and media source kind (e.g. local or network disk). In most cases,
AAI and BMP are the recommended formats having the best
performance. If you need a standard and widely used image file
format with tranparancy/alphachannel support and good performance
on Dune, use BMP.
- Example:
- "icon_path = icon.bmp"
- Added progress indication during loading of custom background image
when image loading takes a while (could take place e.g. when loading
FullHD 1920x1080 background from a network media source).
- Added a possibility to show just icons w/o captions (filenames) below
them. Syntax:
- "paint_captions = no" (default is "yes").
- Added a possibility to hide the "path box" (the box showing the path
to the current folder at the top of the screen). Syntax:
- "paint_path_box = no" (default is "yes").
- Added a possibility to hide the scrollbar. Syntax:
- "paint_scrollbar = no" (default is "yes").
- Added a possibility to hide the "help line" ("CONTROLS: ..." text at
the bottom of the screen). Syntax:
- "paint_help_line = no" (default is "yes").
- Added a possibility to hide the "icon selection box" (a frame around
an icon indicating that the icon is selected).
- "paint_icon_selection_box = no" (default is "yes").
- Added a possibility to paint an alternative custom icon for selected
item. This alternative custom icon is painted instead of the default
custom icon when the item is selected. Syntax:
- "icon_sel_path = ..." (path-to-icon-file)
- "icon_sel_dx = ..." (-N..N, default = 0)
- "icon_sel_dy = ..." (-N..N, default = 0)
- Added a possibility to not paint the shaded background for the
"content box" (the area listing icons). Syntax:
- "paint_content_box_background = no" (default is "yes").
- Added a possibility to alter the location and internal padding for the
"content box" (the area listing icons). Syntax:
- "content_box_x = ..." (>=0, -1 means default = auto).
- "content_box_y = ..." (>=0, -1 means default = auto).
- "content_box_width = ..." (>0, -1 means default = auto).
- "content_box_height = ..." (>0, -1 means default = auto).
- "content_box_padding_left = ..." (>=0, default = 20).
- "content_box_padding_top = ..." (>=0, default = 20).
- "content_box_padding_right = ..." (>=0, default = 20).
- "content_box_padding_bottom = ..." (>=0, default = 20).
- Added new options for altering the way custom background is painted.
- "background_order = first/last". Here:
- "first" means paint custom background before "path_box",
"content_box", and "help_line" (i.e. under these elements).
- "last" (default) means paint custom background after these
elements (i.e. over them).
- "optimize_full_screen_background = yes" (default is "no"). "yes" is
reasonable to specify in order to slightly improve the performance
in the following cases:
- Custom background image is full-screen (1920x1080) solid image
(w/o transparent pixels).
- "background_order = first".
- Added a possibility to paint a custom scrollbar using a user-defined
image file. Syntax:
- "scroll_path = {image-path}"
- "scroll_x = ..." (>=0, -1 means default = auto)
- "scroll_y = ..." (>=0, -1 means default = auto)
- "scroll_height = ..." (>0, -1 means default = auto)
- Added a possibility to paint custom "mark" icons (icons used when
marking files via SELECT RC button, e.g. to select items for the
playlist) using a user-defined image file. Syntax:
- "mark_path = {image-path}"
- "mark_dx = ..." (-960..960)
- "mark_dy = ..." (-540..540)
- "dune_folder.txt": "background_order" parameter now supports the
following set of values (instead of "first" and "last" as took place in
the previous firmware version):
- "before_all": the same as "first" in the previous firmware version.
- "before_icons": the same as "last" in the previous firmware version.
- "after_all": a new option, allowing to paint the custom background
after everything else (including file icons).
- Example:
- "background_order = before_icons"
- "dune_folder.txt": added a possibility to hide file icons (w/o using
dummy fully-transparent icon). Syntax:
- "paint_icons = no" (default is "yes").
- Bugfix: returning to file browser (e.g. after playback) caused crash
if current folder had dune_folder.txt with custom background image.
- Bugfix: "dune_folder.txt" / "paint_captions = no" did not work
properly in some cases (when the filename was too long and scrolled,
it was shown despite this setting).
- Added support for "smb://...", "nfs://...", and "network_folder://..."
media_url values, allowing to reference media content on SMB and NFS
network shares.
- Syntax:
- "smb://[user[assword]@]host/share/path"
- "user" and "password" are optional.
- "host" can be IP-address, DNS-name, or SMB-name of SMB
- "share" is SMB share name.
- Example:
- "media_url = smb://"
- "nfs://host[:/export-path]:/path"
- "host" can be IP-address or DNS-name of NFS server.
- "export-path" is optional; when omitted, the player tries to
automatically deduce it from the specified "path" (by
analyzing all NFS-exports of the NFS-server). For better
performance and correct working, it is recommended to always
explicitly specify "export-path".
- Example (w/o explicitly specified "export-path"):
- "media_url = nfs://"
- Example (with explicitly specified "export-path"):
- "media_url = nfs://"
- "network_folder://network-folder-name/path"
- "network-folder-name" is the name of network folder
econfigured in the player.
- Example:
- "media_url = network_folder://MYSHARE/folder/file1.avi"
- So, it is now possible to use "dune_folder.txt" to organize links
(e.g. Media Collection Indexes) pointing not only to any locally
attached storage devices, but also to any network resources
accessible via NFS or SMB.
- Network URLs are supported for all kinds of content: regular media
files (video, audio, photo), DVD-images (VIDEO_TS, ISO), BD-Images
- Such network URLs are also supported in playlist files (M3U, PLS).
- The network shares are automounted by the player on-the-fly as
needed; when using "smb://" and "nfs://" URLs, there is no need to
manually configure the corresponding network folders.
- When playing a playlist consisting of items pointing to different
network shares, the player automatically unmounts/mounts network
shares as needed (in particular, it correctly unmounts a SMB share
before accessing another SMB share pointing to the same SMB server,
in order to avoid the limitation that Linux kernel can not work
with multiple SMB shares of the same SMB server simultanesouly).
- Added the following new "dune_folder.txt" parameters:
- "system_files = {pattern1}[,{pattern2}...]".
- Allows to specify which files should be treated as system and
thus hidden (when "Hide system files = Yes" option is enabled in
- Each "pattern" can be the exact name of file/folder, or a
pattern including wildcards ("*" means any sequence of
characters, "?" means any single character).
- Example:
- "system_files = *.aai,icon.bmp"
- "media_url_check = (yes|no)" (default is "no").
- Allows to specify whether the player should try to check if the
"media_url" is valid and points to an existing file when
painting the item corresponding to this media folder, and also
determine a suitable icon to show (e.g. video file, audio file);
if the "media_url" is not valid, the item is painted in the
"dimmed" way. Such a check may reduce browsing performance, so
it is now disabled by default, and this new parameter allows to
reenable it.
- Added support for specifying "dune_folder.txt" parameters which affect
not just the current folder, but also subfolders.
- This allows to provide custom look for the entire folder
hieararchies (e.g. all folders on a HDD) just by creating a single
"dune_folder.txt" file in the root of the folder hierarchy.
- Almost any "dune_folder.txt" parameter can now be prefixed in the
following way:
- "direct_children.{parameter} = {value}"
- "level2_children.{parameter} = {value}"
- "all_children.{parameter} = {value}"
- When "{value}" is a relative path to some file, the following
syntax can be used to specify how the relative path should be
- "rel_path://{relative-path}": treat path relatively to each
particular subfolder (default).
- "cur_path://{relative-path}": treat path relatively to the
parent folder (i.e. the folder where "dune_folder.txt" file is
- Example:
- "all_children.system_files = *.aai"
- "all_children.use_icon_view = yes"
- "all_children.num_cols = 4"
- "all_children.num_rows = 2"
- Bugfix: JPEG images (assigned via dune_folder.txt) could be displayed
wrongly in the right panel of the file browser (when using "Extended
List" view mode).
- Added dune_folder.txt feature: a possibility to specify the initial
playback position in the playlist for media_url pointing to a playlist.
- Syntax:
- media_url = /path/to/playlist-file
- media_start_index = index
- NOTE: This feature is useful for implement series support in
movies-collection management solutions.
- Added dune_folder.txt feature: a possibility to specify scale factor not
only for the primary icon, but also for the selected icon.
- Syntax:
- icon_sel_scale_factor = ...
- NOTE: This feature allows to implement the "selected icon has bigger
size" effect w/o need to prepare two different icons.
- Added dune_folder.txt feature: a possibility to force "list" and
"extended list" view modes for a folder.
- Syntax:
- use_icon_view = list
- use_icon_view = exlist
- Added dune_folder.txt feature: a possibility to specify what to do when
media_url refers to a folder: open the folder for browsing, start
playback of folder content, or ask use.
- Syntax:
- media_action = browse|play|ask_user
- Added dune_folder.txt feature: support for showing "virtual" items on the
- The dune_folder.txt in a folder can define a list of virtual items,
which are shown in addition to the files/subfolders actually residing
in this folder (if any).
- Syntax ({N} is the index of the virtual item: 0, 1, 2, ...):
- item.{N}.caption = ...
- item.{N}.media_url = ...
- item.{N}.icon_path = ... (NOTE: HTTP links to images can be used)
- item.{N}.{...} = ... ({...} is any parameter affecting the look and
behavior of the media item)
- Added support for working with external catalogs of resources ("virtual
filesystems") in the file browser.
- When dune_folder.txt/media_url points to a HTTP URL using
"dune_http://..." syntax instead of the normal "http://..." syntax,
such a HTTP URL is handled by the player as a "virtual folder", which
can be opened and navigated similarly to how local and NFS/SMB folders
can be opened/navigated.
- The "dune_http" HTTP URL should return dune_folder.txt describing the
content of the virtual folder using the mechanism of "virtual items".
- Each virtual item can be either a reference to a particular media
resource, or a "dune_http" reference to a nested virtual subfolder.
- Added a special support for watching (and also recording)
network/Internet video streams which use HTTP protocol and TS format,
with improved buffering approach.
- To start watching such a video stream, launch a special
"http://ts://......" URL in the player (e.g. using
- During watching, press PLAY to start/stop recording (ensure a storage
is attached).
- Each recording is saved into its own file inside "MTS_recordings"
folder in the main storage.
- Bugfix: loading invalid/corrupted user-created icon files (via
dune_folder.txt) could be handled wrongly.
system_files =*.jpg,*.png,*.tvixie,*.srt,*.tvix,*.ted,*.ini,*.nfo
all_children.system_files=*.jpg,*.png,*.tvixie,*.s rt,*.tvix,*.ted,*.ini,*.nfo
đây là phần giải thích các lệnh:
NOTE: The following description corresponds to the firmware version
090626_1828. Also see the description of additional possibilities
introduced in firmware updates (see the end of this document or see
official firmware ChangeLogs).
Parameters influencing visual representation of F2 in F1 (when F1 is
current folder and icon view is used):
icon_path = file.aii
icon_valign = top|center|bottom (default: top)
icon_dx = -N..N (default: 0)
icon_dy = -N..N (default: 0)
icon_scale_factor = 0.N .. N.N (default: 1.0)
- "icon_path" is a path to an image file in AAI format that
should be painted as the folder icon; can be arbitrary file
name or a relative path to a file in a different directory
(e.g. "subdir/a.aai", "../subdir/other_dir/a.aai").
Images with transparency and alpachannel are supported.
- "icon_valign" specifies the vertical alignment of the icon in
its bounding box.
- "icon_dx" and "icon_dy" allow to explicitly adjust the
horizontal and vertical position of the icon by the given
number of pixels.
- "icon_scale_factor" allows to adjust the visual size of the
icon by a given scale factor (scale factor 1.0 means that the
icon is painted pixel-to-pixel).
Parameters enabling "media folder" behavior for F2 (e.g. when ENTER is
pressed on F2):
media_url = path/URL
- "media_url" is a relative file/folder path, or a supported
HTTP URL (e.g. for Internet Radio HTTP/MP3 streams), or an
IPTV URL (udp://@...).
- Example:
- "media_url = file.avi"
- Example:
- "media_url = ../../../MyMovie/file.avi"
- Example:
- "media_url ="
- Example:
- "media_url = udp://@"
Parameters enabling icon view when F2 is current folder:
use_icon_view = yes|no (default: setup)
num_cols = 1..N (default: 5)
num_rows = 1..N (default: 3)
icon_top = 0..N (default: 10)
icon_bottom = 0..N (default: 10)
caption_font_size = normal|small (default: normal)
- "use_icon_view" allows to explicitly enable/disable the icon
view for the folder.
- "num_cols" and "num_rows" specify how many icons are shown on
the screen at once.
- "icon_top" and "icon_bottom" specify the common vertical
indent to be applied to all icons.
- "caption_font_size" specifies the size of text captions
displayed under icons.
Parameters enabling custom image when F2 is current folder:
background_path = file.aai
background_x = 0..1919 (default: 0)
background_y = 0..1079 (default: 0)
background_width = 1..1920 (default: actual image width)
background_height = 1..1080 (default: actual image height)
- "background_path" is a path to an image file in AAI format
that should be painted as background image; can be arbitrary
file name or a relative path to a file in a different
directory (e.g. "subdir/a.aai", "../subdir/other_dir/a.aai").
Images with transparency and alpachannel are supported.
- "background_x" and "background_y" specify the absolute
position of the image on the screen in pixels ((0, 0)
corresponds to the top left corner).
- "background_width" and "background_height" allow to scale the
image to the given width and height (specified in pixels).
NOTE: There is currently no protection from wrongly specified parameter
values (and e.g. too big size of icon image), so bad configuration may
potentially cause strange things or even crash/restart of the file browser.
"AAI" image file format is an internal file format used by Dune.
AAImageGen.exe tool for Windows can be used to convert PNG and other image
files into AAI files.
If you want to use transparency in icon images, ensure that source image
files have a proper alpha channel.
See "AAImageGen-README.txt" for more details.
NOTE: Dune user interface is always internally painted as FullHD 1920x1080,
not depending on the video output mode actually used. If a lesser video
output resolution is used, the generated 1920x1080 image is automatically
downscaled to the actual video output resolution.
NOTE: Dune may cache some data loaded from dune_folder.txt files and from
the referenced icon files. If you modify these files and want the changes
to take effect, you can use "ROTATE" or "REFRESH" RC button (depending on
RC model), or perform "Refresh" action via popup menu.
NOTE: To hide extra files (such as .aai files) from the user, these files
can be started with the dot character (".") -- in this case, the player
will consider these files as "system" and will hide them by default (if
"Hide system files" setting is set to "yes" in the player's setup menu).
The "dune_folder.txt" files are considered as "system" and are hidden by
default. To manipulate these hidden files (e.g. copy them using the
player's file browser), you can enable showing hidden files in the player's
setup menu.
History of dune_folder.txt features added in firmware updates:
- "media_url" can now contain not just relative paths, but also absolute
paths point to files on the same drive or other locally attached
drives (helpful for working with media collections stored on several
drives). Syntax:
- "media_url = /{path-to-file}". Refers to the file with absolute
path "{path-to-file}" on the same drive.
- Example:
- "media_url = /VIDEO/Dir1/file.avi"
- "media_url = storage_name://{name}/{path-to-file}". Refers to the
file with absolute path "{path-to-file}" on the drive with the
storage name "{name}"; here, storage name is the same as used for
FTP/SMB access from network (automatically generated default name
such as "usb_storage_UUID", or explicitly assigned custom name --
see below).
- Example:
- "media_url = storage_name://MYHDD/VIDEO/Dir1/file.avi"
- "media_url = storage_label://{label}/{path-to-file}". Refers to the file
with absolute path "{path-to-file}" on the drive with the volume
label "{label}". (Volume label can seen in Information dialog for
the drive.)
- Example:
- "media_url = storage_label://My HDD/VIDEO/Dir1/file.avi"
- "media_url = storage_uuid://{uuid}/{path-to-file}". Refers to the
file with absolute path "{path-to-file}" on the drive with the
UUID "{uuid}". (UUID can seen in Information dialog for the drive.)
- Example:
- "media_url = storage_uuid://0123456789abcdef012345/VIDEO/Dir1/file.avi"
- Note: referencing files on other network drives is not yet
- "dune_folder.txt" in the root folder of a drive can be used to assign
a custom name/caption to the drive. Syntax:
- "storage_name = ...".
- Assigns a custom storage name to the drive. This name is used
for FTP and SMB access from network and for referencing the
files on the drive using "media_url". Unless "storage_caption"
is also explicitly set (see below), the custom storage name is
also used as the storage caption shown in the file browser.
- Example:
- "storage_name = MYHDD"
- "storage_caption = ...".
- Assigns a custom storage caption to the drive, to show in file
- Example:
- "storage_caption = My HDD"
- Added a possibility to use HTTP URLs in dune_folder.txt for icon_path
and background_path.
- Example:
- icon_path =
- Bugfix: no icons shown when using dune_folder.txt with "num_rows = 1"
and the path to the current folder shown at the top of the screen is
too long. Now, the icons are downscaled automatically as needed to fit
into the visible area.
- Bugfix: the handling of ENTER RC button on media folders (folders with
dune_folder.txt with media_url) is rolled back to the behavior which
took place in the previous stable firmware (090626_1828) (always
perform PLAY for both folders with media files and Blu-ray/DVD video
folders) instead of the behavior wrongly introduced in the previous
beta firmware (090731_1629_beta) (OPEN folder with media files, and
OPEN/ASK USER/PLAY Blu-ray/DVD video folders).
- Bugfix: dune_folder.txt and playlist files could not be read in
specific cases (such as from a NFS share) when non-ascii characters
were used in file/folder path.
- Added support for images files not only in Dune-specific AAI file
format, but also in BMP, PNG, JPG, and GIF formats.
- NOTE: For BMP and PNG formats (as well as AAI), transparancy and
alphachannel are supported.
- NOTE: The performance of reading images from various file formats
may differ, depending on the exact file format, image resolution,
and media source kind (e.g. local or network disk). In most cases,
AAI and BMP are the recommended formats having the best
performance. If you need a standard and widely used image file
format with tranparancy/alphachannel support and good performance
on Dune, use BMP.
- Example:
- "icon_path = icon.bmp"
- Added progress indication during loading of custom background image
when image loading takes a while (could take place e.g. when loading
FullHD 1920x1080 background from a network media source).
- Added a possibility to show just icons w/o captions (filenames) below
them. Syntax:
- "paint_captions = no" (default is "yes").
- Added a possibility to hide the "path box" (the box showing the path
to the current folder at the top of the screen). Syntax:
- "paint_path_box = no" (default is "yes").
- Added a possibility to hide the scrollbar. Syntax:
- "paint_scrollbar = no" (default is "yes").
- Added a possibility to hide the "help line" ("CONTROLS: ..." text at
the bottom of the screen). Syntax:
- "paint_help_line = no" (default is "yes").
- Added a possibility to hide the "icon selection box" (a frame around
an icon indicating that the icon is selected).
- "paint_icon_selection_box = no" (default is "yes").
- Added a possibility to paint an alternative custom icon for selected
item. This alternative custom icon is painted instead of the default
custom icon when the item is selected. Syntax:
- "icon_sel_path = ..." (path-to-icon-file)
- "icon_sel_dx = ..." (-N..N, default = 0)
- "icon_sel_dy = ..." (-N..N, default = 0)
- Added a possibility to not paint the shaded background for the
"content box" (the area listing icons). Syntax:
- "paint_content_box_background = no" (default is "yes").
- Added a possibility to alter the location and internal padding for the
"content box" (the area listing icons). Syntax:
- "content_box_x = ..." (>=0, -1 means default = auto).
- "content_box_y = ..." (>=0, -1 means default = auto).
- "content_box_width = ..." (>0, -1 means default = auto).
- "content_box_height = ..." (>0, -1 means default = auto).
- "content_box_padding_left = ..." (>=0, default = 20).
- "content_box_padding_top = ..." (>=0, default = 20).
- "content_box_padding_right = ..." (>=0, default = 20).
- "content_box_padding_bottom = ..." (>=0, default = 20).
- Added new options for altering the way custom background is painted.
- "background_order = first/last". Here:
- "first" means paint custom background before "path_box",
"content_box", and "help_line" (i.e. under these elements).
- "last" (default) means paint custom background after these
elements (i.e. over them).
- "optimize_full_screen_background = yes" (default is "no"). "yes" is
reasonable to specify in order to slightly improve the performance
in the following cases:
- Custom background image is full-screen (1920x1080) solid image
(w/o transparent pixels).
- "background_order = first".
- Added a possibility to paint a custom scrollbar using a user-defined
image file. Syntax:
- "scroll_path = {image-path}"
- "scroll_x = ..." (>=0, -1 means default = auto)
- "scroll_y = ..." (>=0, -1 means default = auto)
- "scroll_height = ..." (>0, -1 means default = auto)
- Added a possibility to paint custom "mark" icons (icons used when
marking files via SELECT RC button, e.g. to select items for the
playlist) using a user-defined image file. Syntax:
- "mark_path = {image-path}"
- "mark_dx = ..." (-960..960)
- "mark_dy = ..." (-540..540)
- "dune_folder.txt": "background_order" parameter now supports the
following set of values (instead of "first" and "last" as took place in
the previous firmware version):
- "before_all": the same as "first" in the previous firmware version.
- "before_icons": the same as "last" in the previous firmware version.
- "after_all": a new option, allowing to paint the custom background
after everything else (including file icons).
- Example:
- "background_order = before_icons"
- "dune_folder.txt": added a possibility to hide file icons (w/o using
dummy fully-transparent icon). Syntax:
- "paint_icons = no" (default is "yes").
- Bugfix: returning to file browser (e.g. after playback) caused crash
if current folder had dune_folder.txt with custom background image.
- Bugfix: "dune_folder.txt" / "paint_captions = no" did not work
properly in some cases (when the filename was too long and scrolled,
it was shown despite this setting).
- Added support for "smb://...", "nfs://...", and "network_folder://..."
media_url values, allowing to reference media content on SMB and NFS
network shares.
- Syntax:
- "smb://[user[assword]@]host/share/path"
- "user" and "password" are optional.
- "host" can be IP-address, DNS-name, or SMB-name of SMB
- "share" is SMB share name.
- Example:
- "media_url = smb://"
- "nfs://host[:/export-path]:/path"
- "host" can be IP-address or DNS-name of NFS server.
- "export-path" is optional; when omitted, the player tries to
automatically deduce it from the specified "path" (by
analyzing all NFS-exports of the NFS-server). For better
performance and correct working, it is recommended to always
explicitly specify "export-path".
- Example (w/o explicitly specified "export-path"):
- "media_url = nfs://"
- Example (with explicitly specified "export-path"):
- "media_url = nfs://"
- "network_folder://network-folder-name/path"
- "network-folder-name" is the name of network folder
econfigured in the player.
- Example:
- "media_url = network_folder://MYSHARE/folder/file1.avi"
- So, it is now possible to use "dune_folder.txt" to organize links
(e.g. Media Collection Indexes) pointing not only to any locally
attached storage devices, but also to any network resources
accessible via NFS or SMB.
- Network URLs are supported for all kinds of content: regular media
files (video, audio, photo), DVD-images (VIDEO_TS, ISO), BD-Images
- Such network URLs are also supported in playlist files (M3U, PLS).
- The network shares are automounted by the player on-the-fly as
needed; when using "smb://" and "nfs://" URLs, there is no need to
manually configure the corresponding network folders.
- When playing a playlist consisting of items pointing to different
network shares, the player automatically unmounts/mounts network
shares as needed (in particular, it correctly unmounts a SMB share
before accessing another SMB share pointing to the same SMB server,
in order to avoid the limitation that Linux kernel can not work
with multiple SMB shares of the same SMB server simultanesouly).
- Added the following new "dune_folder.txt" parameters:
- "system_files = {pattern1}[,{pattern2}...]".
- Allows to specify which files should be treated as system and
thus hidden (when "Hide system files = Yes" option is enabled in
- Each "pattern" can be the exact name of file/folder, or a
pattern including wildcards ("*" means any sequence of
characters, "?" means any single character).
- Example:
- "system_files = *.aai,icon.bmp"
- "media_url_check = (yes|no)" (default is "no").
- Allows to specify whether the player should try to check if the
"media_url" is valid and points to an existing file when
painting the item corresponding to this media folder, and also
determine a suitable icon to show (e.g. video file, audio file);
if the "media_url" is not valid, the item is painted in the
"dimmed" way. Such a check may reduce browsing performance, so
it is now disabled by default, and this new parameter allows to
reenable it.
- Added support for specifying "dune_folder.txt" parameters which affect
not just the current folder, but also subfolders.
- This allows to provide custom look for the entire folder
hieararchies (e.g. all folders on a HDD) just by creating a single
"dune_folder.txt" file in the root of the folder hierarchy.
- Almost any "dune_folder.txt" parameter can now be prefixed in the
following way:
- "direct_children.{parameter} = {value}"
- "level2_children.{parameter} = {value}"
- "all_children.{parameter} = {value}"
- When "{value}" is a relative path to some file, the following
syntax can be used to specify how the relative path should be
- "rel_path://{relative-path}": treat path relatively to each
particular subfolder (default).
- "cur_path://{relative-path}": treat path relatively to the
parent folder (i.e. the folder where "dune_folder.txt" file is
- Example:
- "all_children.system_files = *.aai"
- "all_children.use_icon_view = yes"
- "all_children.num_cols = 4"
- "all_children.num_rows = 2"
- Bugfix: JPEG images (assigned via dune_folder.txt) could be displayed
wrongly in the right panel of the file browser (when using "Extended
List" view mode).
- Added dune_folder.txt feature: a possibility to specify the initial
playback position in the playlist for media_url pointing to a playlist.
- Syntax:
- media_url = /path/to/playlist-file
- media_start_index = index
- NOTE: This feature is useful for implement series support in
movies-collection management solutions.
- Added dune_folder.txt feature: a possibility to specify scale factor not
only for the primary icon, but also for the selected icon.
- Syntax:
- icon_sel_scale_factor = ...
- NOTE: This feature allows to implement the "selected icon has bigger
size" effect w/o need to prepare two different icons.
- Added dune_folder.txt feature: a possibility to force "list" and
"extended list" view modes for a folder.
- Syntax:
- use_icon_view = list
- use_icon_view = exlist
- Added dune_folder.txt feature: a possibility to specify what to do when
media_url refers to a folder: open the folder for browsing, start
playback of folder content, or ask use.
- Syntax:
- media_action = browse|play|ask_user
- Added dune_folder.txt feature: support for showing "virtual" items on the
- The dune_folder.txt in a folder can define a list of virtual items,
which are shown in addition to the files/subfolders actually residing
in this folder (if any).
- Syntax ({N} is the index of the virtual item: 0, 1, 2, ...):
- item.{N}.caption = ...
- item.{N}.media_url = ...
- item.{N}.icon_path = ... (NOTE: HTTP links to images can be used)
- item.{N}.{...} = ... ({...} is any parameter affecting the look and
behavior of the media item)
- Added support for working with external catalogs of resources ("virtual
filesystems") in the file browser.
- When dune_folder.txt/media_url points to a HTTP URL using
"dune_http://..." syntax instead of the normal "http://..." syntax,
such a HTTP URL is handled by the player as a "virtual folder", which
can be opened and navigated similarly to how local and NFS/SMB folders
can be opened/navigated.
- The "dune_http" HTTP URL should return dune_folder.txt describing the
content of the virtual folder using the mechanism of "virtual items".
- Each virtual item can be either a reference to a particular media
resource, or a "dune_http" reference to a nested virtual subfolder.
- Added a special support for watching (and also recording)
network/Internet video streams which use HTTP protocol and TS format,
with improved buffering approach.
- To start watching such a video stream, launch a special
"http://ts://......" URL in the player (e.g. using
- During watching, press PLAY to start/stop recording (ensure a storage
is attached).
- Each recording is saved into its own file inside "MTS_recordings"
folder in the main storage.
- Bugfix: loading invalid/corrupted user-created icon files (via
dune_folder.txt) could be handled wrongly.